On a regular basis we find ourselves in unpleasant circumstances. Even when we are trying our best to follow God's lead. What is God doing during those times? Are we…
Satan is out to deceive the whole world, that includes you and I. We must know how to go about this battle by putting on and using Gods Armour to…
Is the world having more impact on us, or are we having more impact on the world? Are we living life with the faith of expecting victory?
How can we expect God to accept our worship if it is not combined with faith. Simply going through the motions of worship does not make it acceptable to God.
A testimony is a story of that becomes faith. Faith becomes a huge implement against the enemy. Do we have a testimony and are we telling it often?
Too often we decide to help God out. Why should we think this is going to work out for the best? When the next speed bump of life comes along,…
The substance of our faith can be of something weak or something much greater. If we choose a weak substance than our faith will return nothing. Even small faith in…
Attributes of God's character that we are to also exhibit, Justice, Mercy, Faith. Not to simply acknowledge or confess but to consistently do as acts. Too often we focus on…
We are all going to go through a season of great pain and grief due to the loss of a loved one or other dire circumstance, overcome and take from…
No matter what events come up for us, are we ready to turn over the results to God? Or will we decide to try our own way of preservation?