The veil has been torn we are blessed with the ability to approach God. We should not take this lightly, He can only be approached in the right manner. Atonement…
Atonement is the process of removing obstacles between us and God. We'll look at the different obstacles and the process of their removal.
God commanded Moses as to how and when the priest could come before God. We are to follow the same sequence. We are to be washed, then put on the…
An annual review of the fall Holy Days. With focus on how and why we keep the Feasts.
Bible Text: Lev. 23, Lev. 16 | Preacher: Aaron Baker | A day of cleansing, redemption, renewing, forgiveness, and restoration.
Preacher: Aaron Baker The body/bride also needs atonement. Is the Bride truely preparing for the bridal Feast? How many areas of function does the body cause a barrier between it…