A passage that is considered a memory passage and even find it as wall art, but do we truly realize all that was being conveyed by it.
Each of us experience a dark hour, a time when we are at our lowest point and in greatest need. Whether you have already experienced that hour, are going though…
We have been called not only to a new name but also a new commission. With those new roles comes responcibility of power and authority. Just because we consider ourselves…
Many of us over the last few years have considered the different love languages we utilize with each other. Have you considered God's main love language? Are we putting in…
Christ will tell some to depart from him as he never knew them. We look forward to hearing him say, "enter my kingdom, for you I know."
Was it your thought, a thought from God or a thought from our enemy the devil? When it comes to thoughts in our head, we have a choice as to…
What kind of Spiritual and Physical legacy are we building to leave behind. Will our actions and words today enhance the future for others?
When life takes a turn for the worse, what is our point of reference? Do we focus on the circumstances or something greater?
As believers do we worship God in Spirit and truth? Or do we allow other influences into our worship, thereby turning us into cultural Christians? Whose agenda are we following?…
For some this may be a review but there will be some aspects you might not have considered before. There are some verses that seem to conflict or contradict over…