If we spend time around something, we will get accustomed or comfortable with it. Then want it, then come to a point where we need it. Fear can lead to…
This is the 3rd in a series of 3 ( The Godly Roles). We tie the male and female role together to honor God's will of multiplying and stewarding his…
God created male and female with specific roles that must work in harmony with one another. This message looks closer at the roles of females.
Are you letting a Goliath maneuver you or are you utilizing all the tools we have been given to slay the giants in our lives?
Satan has been attacking all of creation to disrupt it any way he can. He has attacked the family, fatherhood and now gender. As believers we must understand the specific…
Are we fully utilizing the greatest tool ever given? Christ told us that we would need it and he would send it.
How aware are we of Satan's tactics to deceive the whole world? We must stay alert and diligent in the battle.
Are we walking in both Spirit and Truth? Truth, alone, will not always get you where you want to wind up.
During the evening of the last supper, Christ expounded on some areas that would help the disciples and us through til his return. Are we utilizing all of these to…
A two part series of God's timing for the Spring Holy Day events.