Do we respond correctly when considering our feelings of those that have authority over us? How does Paul address this with Timothy?
Fathers day weekend and we will look at some ways we can better honor our Father in heaven.
Paul lays out a goal for the church. To present everyone mature in Christ. Where are we at in our maturity? What elements get us there and what are the…
Not just another Unity message. 2000 years we were blessed with the Holy Spirit. Today the larger Body is still just as disjointed as it was in Paul's day.
God blessed us with the Holy Spirit. Not simply for the benefit of individuals but more so The Body as a whole.
This is the first in a series of the letters to Timothy. We start with the aspects of relationship that Paul had with Timothy. A relationship that started on one…
God placed and places desires in our heart that he will and is already starting to fulfill. Are we trusting him completely with those desires or do we sometimes get…
Lets look at some of the interesting aspects when God had the Israelite's march around and take Jericho.
We are to bring offerings to God. Can it be anything we choose? He spells out some criteria for us to bring an offering that will be accepted.