1 Timothy 3:14-16 Here is the jest of Paul's letter to Timothy. How to act in God's house.
An annual review of the fall Holy Days. With focus on how and why we keep the Feasts.
Our faith is based on God's plan for salvation. Lets look how intricate it sometimes is along with his faithfulness. Are we living as to be fully invested in his…
Kraig lays out the qualifications and the call for service within the body.
Many today are simply pursuing a form of religion rather than their creator. Without the right pursuit it becomes easy for many to start doubting if there even is a…
We all wear labels or names. Some we wear proudly, others we try to hide. What about the name our heavenly Father has bestowed on us. Do we wear that…
In our culture we see the evidence of the world's view on marriage and its destructive influence. As we seek a Biblical worldview, we must look to Scripture to tell…
We might be familiar with the story of Sampson, but lets look at a part of the story that is seldom focused on.
A sin by one can have devastating effects on the collective body. If we sin, God gives us opportunity for repentance, but if we ignore that opportunity, his wrath will…
Do we respond correctly when considering our feelings of those that have authority over us? How does Paul address this with Timothy?