Are we putting to good use the Holy Spirit as the Father and Christ intended? Is the body as a whole or as individual congregations fully interacting with the Holy…
Are we being diligent in keeping our garment unspotted after the cleansing of Christ's blood? We have daily opportunity to make positive effort in keeping our lives from any new…
Are we focused on what we should be during God's feast of Unleavened Bread or somewhat distracted and maybe unknowingly minimizing the true intent?
We are commanded to remove sin (leavened bread) out of homes and lives during the feast of Unleavened bread. This is recognized on a individual basis, but what about the…
God's Holy Days (appointments with us) and what they depict, were set in motion long before most realize. God does not want us to forget what He has done, what…
On Pentecost in Paul's time, there were 3000 who came to the temple in search something. God placed his Holy spirit upon some and they were able to be a…
Paul is baffled why sexual immorality was allowed into the church by the brethren, by the local leadership. Why wasn't it dealt with before he had to hear about it. …