February 12, 2022

Saving The Relationship

Service Type:

Saving the Relationship.

Times are ripe for many more opportunities for someone to do or say something that feels like an attack against us. What will be your response?

Will you fight and debate the person? Maybe you walk away from them? Do you wish something bad happens to them? Or will you accept their opinion and leave it to God to work it out?

Saving the Relationship

This is what you should do biblically.

God ministers with each person differently.  If you and your friend, spouse, child, stranger, doesn’t see your point of view, just accept it and leave it up to God.  Even if the person does you wrong, don’t condemn them or sever the relationship.  Even if they are not the repented type or has done you harm, be good to them and see what their needs are.

Anyone can love their friends, and people who agree with them, but to do good and actually love someone who has done you wrong, is a very challenging character trait.  God commands us to help all people, friends and enemies, so do good to all people and pray for them all.

You should not take critisism badly or hatefull.  If one gives you some and you didn’t want it, just acknowledge it and ask them if they need anything, and walk away.

To confront and debate in a hateful manner will not do either party any good.  Reflect on what they said, maybe you need to change, if you still think you are following God’s will properly, then just pray for them and help them if they ask.

That will confound them if after they think they prove there point, you don’t agree but still want to help them, they won’t know what to think.

Leave it up to God.