Too often we decide to help God out. Why should we think this is going to work out for the best? When the next speed bump of life comes along,…
As believers, how are we to maneuver in our country's post Roe atmosphere? We are called to protect the weak or voiceless, but we are also called to be disciples…
Just how important is it that we should attend a church? What are the benefits of attending a congregation on a very regular basis? How are you investing in your…
Each one of us are being affected by the world around us. Sadly many start to get weighed down by the pressure and start relying on the world's solutions rather…
Being foolish for God's work The world wants to call our views and even us foolish. We shouldn't be afraid to stand in the gap no matter what we might…
Are we experiencing culture shock? Not just in society, but also the church. What are we allowing to effect us in negative ways? We must consistently evaluate our choices of…
The day of Trumpets announces a new beginning for us. The announcement of something better.
God blessed us with the Holy Spirit. Not simply for the benefit of individuals but more so The Body as a whole.
God wants to bless us, but only when we stay within his will. Are we asking him often enough if he would have us do or don't do, in this…