
August 5, 2023
Each of us have been given unique gifts, talents, and experience through God. He also gives us opportunities. Some times those opportunities even though they seem like a look one,…

Guardians of Creation

July 29, 2023
James tells us that we are to not only be listeners of the word but also doers. We will take a deeper look as to not only what James is…

Intro To Prophecy

July 22, 2023
Prophecy can be an intimidating topic.  Sadly like many other topics, some take it to extremes that can turn off others. God has a lot of prophecy in scripture.  That…

Knowledge of the Signs

July 15, 2023
If Christ was to return a few weeks from now, would you be caught off guard? Do you know the signs he told us about, or are you hoping someone…

Our Darkest Hour

June 24, 2023
Each of us experience a dark hour, a time when we are at our lowest point and in greatest need. Whether you have already experienced that hour, are going though…
We have been called not only to a new name but also a new commission.  With those new roles comes responcibility of power and authority. Just because we consider ourselves…