Worship Part 1

January 20, 2024
The first in a series on how to worship.  This message is more of an intro, laying out some of the foundation.  You will want to start the series here…

Its Not Over Til Its Over

January 6, 2024
Often this time of year there are some that look back over the events of the past week and make goals or resolutions for the next. Have you consider what…

God or A Tree

December 23, 2023
Its one of those seasons when some proclaim to worship God but have not really familiarized themselves with God's word.  Lets make sure we are familiar with what, why and…

Little Prayers

December 16, 2023
As the one and only true God, he is never bothered or overburdened with our prayers.  Do we really take  advantage of his desire to interact for us?  Do we…

A Light Or A Mirror

December 9, 2023
Are we constantly aware that we are watched and we are broadcasting to others. What are we broadcasting and what is the real effect?

Of The World or Of The Body

November 25, 2023
Everyone belongs to a community.  What matters is who is in charge of the community. It is their influences that will ultimately determine the the choices of the individuals.

In God’s Will

November 18, 2023
It goes without saying that God's will is greater than our, but do we dwell on that as often or in the ways we should.  Here is 6 characteristics we…