The Greater Body

October 31, 2020
We should be aware and interacting with the saints.  That dosn't mean only those we see at our local fellowship.  Have we made effort to get to know our neighbors…

Our Battle With Satan

October 24, 2020
Do we really understand Satan's ability towards us?  What about our ability towards him?Do we fully realize that we are in a battle, that we are on the winning side,…

Day of Atonement 2020

September 28, 2020
Bible Text: Lev. 23, Lev. 16 | Preacher: Aaron Baker | A day of cleansing, redemption, renewing, forgiveness, and restoration.

Day of Trumpets-Day of Blowing

September 19, 2020
Bible Text: Lev. 23, 1Thes 4:16 | Preacher: Aaron Baker | And with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ will rise first. Through God's breath we are…

Satan’s Deception

August 29, 2020
Bible Text: Revelation 12:9 | Preacher: Aaron Baker | Deception is all around us.  We need to understand how it will come at us and just as important why.


August 22, 2020
Bible Text: Genesis 1:27, Matthew 22:39 | Preacher: Aaron Baker | We are commanded to love God with our heart, mind and soul.  We were created in Gods likeness to…

God of Wonders

August 15, 2020
Bible Text: Psalms 40:5, Genesis 24:1-27, 2 Chronicles 20:1-30 | Preacher: Aaron Baker | No matter what is happening around us or to us, God has been, is in the…