What should the body as a whole look like today. Is there a message being projected through the body. In Colossians 4 Paul and Timothy point the new churches to…
Since the fall, there have been change after change. Through it all, we need to keep in mind that our Father in Heaven has not changed. His love for us…
Today we can facetime or call almost anyone no matter what the distance and chat. That kind of communication allows for the growth of intimacy and relationship. We are also…
WE are told to endure to the end. What if we start feeling like we may not be capable to enduring to the end? God blesses us with enough insight…
Our Heavenly Father from the day of the fall has set aside and protected the tree of life. During that time span he has continued to share with man his…
We are all going to go through a season of great pain and grief due to the loss of a loved one or other dire circumstance, overcome and take from…
DUI, DWI, OWI We know how exterior elements can influence how we go about daily life. Do we consider often enough if or how we are being influenced by things…
We are all being challenged today in our belief systems. Who or what should you believe about the news being presented locally, nationally, globally? What or who should you believe…
No matter what events come up for us, are we ready to turn over the results to God? Or will we decide to try our own way of preservation?