How do you spend your day? Are we consistently doing what we can to promote God's word and will for both his kingdom and creation? There are probably some areas…
Satan is out to deceive the whole world, that includes you and I. We must know how to go about this battle by putting on and using Gods Armour to…
If your not in a trial or hardship now another is coming. The sad reality of this sin induced life. When we are pressed what comes out of us? Only…
The veil has been torn we are blessed with the ability to approach God. We should not take this lightly, He can only be approached in the right manner. Atonement…
We often ask for God to something for us, maybe to supply something, maybe how to do something. How diligent are we in asking what he would have us do?
God along with creation has put into place systems or structure. We are either integral parts of that structure or pieces that are weak or even in need of being…
We have been witnessing the decline of true honor over the last handful of decades. How will this effect us if this continues?
Many of us feel like we have a good handle on Galations 5. Maybe to the point we tend to quickly gloss over the passage and not try to dive…
If we get too close to physical fire, the last thing we do is stand still. We become very active, maybe even calling out. God's Holy Spirit has been likened…
Whether your in a trial now or not, there will be another that comes along. How will you respond? Unbelief, defeat, discouragement? Will you then also convey that to others?…