God placed and places desires in our heart that he will and is already starting to fulfill. Are we trusting him completely with those desires or do we sometimes get…
Lets look at some of the interesting aspects when God had the Israelite's march around and take Jericho.
We are to bring offerings to God. Can it be anything we choose? He spells out some criteria for us to bring an offering that will be accepted.
God wants to bless us, but only when we stay within his will. Are we asking him often enough if he would have us do or don't do, in this…
We were created to live in a specific environment. That environment was created originally for us, but then there was a problem and the environment changed. Synthetic is meant to…
Have we truly taken the time to remove the leaven (sin) from our lives as we enter God's spring Holydays?
Paul is baffled why sexual immorality was allowed into the church by the brethren, by the local leadership. Why wasn't it dealt with before he had to hear about it. …
What you and I may think should be the end result isn't always the way God sees it. He has a blessed end result in mind for each of us…