God created us for a purpose within his will. Sadly too often we allow the ways of the world to guide our pursuits rather than considering what God's plan and…
Often times we make plans on how are lives are going to go while praying to God for his direction. We need to make sure to be looking at how…
The Spring Holy Day season is a time of remembrance. Memorials of God's great love mercy and healing from sin.
Time to talk about God's Holy Spirit. What is it, what does it do for us. But more importantly, how should we view it?
How do we go about growing pleasing fruit for our heavenly Father? All of us spend time and effort in something, do we make a choice and act on things…
Being foolish for God's work The world wants to call our views and even us foolish. We shouldn't be afraid to stand in the gap no matter what we might…
Saving the Relationship. Times are ripe for many more opportunities for someone to do or say something that feels like an attack against us. What will be your response? Will…
What should the body as a whole look like today. Is there a message being projected through the body. In Colossians 4 Paul and Timothy point the new churches to…