God placed the tree and called it good, but then tells Adam that it could kill him. Why did it even need to be there and does it have any…
Simply acknowledging our sin is not enough. There is a process of several steps to get us back to where we are supposed to be.
Have you ever felt that God's not paying attention, or has forgotten about us, or maybe he is just letting all the ciaos run rampant. How can we be sure…
Everyone in the body has been placed there by our Father who has also given to each gifts and opportunities to utilize those gifts. Are each of us ready and…
Too often we decide to help God out. Why should we think this is going to work out for the best? When the next speed bump of life comes along,…
As believers, how are we to maneuver in our country's post Roe atmosphere? We are called to protect the weak or voiceless, but we are also called to be disciples…
The substance of our faith can be of something weak or something much greater. If we choose a weak substance than our faith will return nothing. Even small faith in…
The second in a series on the weightier matters. Matthew 23:23 How and why Mercy. Another Godly trait that we are to perpetuate.
Why is the Holy Spirit given to believers? It's for much more than simply our comfort. For who, for what and how, we will look at.