January 2, 2021

Ephraim and Manasseh

Passage: Gen. 48, Eph 2
Service Type:

Ephraim and Manasseh, Abraham blessings.

God’s people are an extension of Jacob’s blessings to Ephraim and Manasseh, to many nations. God’s plan through the gospel is to bring all nations to him and to make them his people.  As his people, we have a responsibility to live soberly and righteously in this present world.  God blessed Abraham and made a covenant with him.  Abraham passed it down to his son Issac.  Issac gave the blessing to his son Jacob.  God changed Jacob’s name to Israel.  It then went to Joseph’s two sons (Ephraim and Manasseh).  He had both sons while he was in Egypt as second in command.  Joseph interpreted dreams of the Pharaoh and saved the Egyptians and surrounding peoples.


God allowed His people to be held as captives after Joseph’s death, so they would cry out and plead with God to rescue them.  Then God would show His power and might to the Israelite’s and every county would know that He is God.

Follow God.

This is part of his master plan to prove to the nations of the world, that God is real, and blessings are awarded to people who follow Him and curses to those who disobey.  We must all follow God’s way or have cursing in our lives.  The tribes of Israel became a great and powerful nation as David conquered  surrounding nations.  Then Solomon continued expanding the greatness of Israel throughout his reign.   After Solomon, the nation of Israel divided into two nations.   The  10 tribes went north including Ephraim and Manasseh, and the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin, stayed south.  The northern tribes turned from God and never had a good king.  They even fought against Judah and their power was taken and they fell into captivity.  Judah survived for a longer time, because of their alliance with God.  But they too fell into captivity.

The new world:

Ephraim and Manasseh, Abraham blessings, eventually made it to the British and American peoples.  We benefited from the blessings, as long as we followed God.  As of now, our moral decay is increasing and we are losing these blessing’s unless we repent.  We must repent as a nation if we are to get these blessings back.  We can still receive the blessing’s individually, if we repent personally.