February 19, 2022

Dont Be Afraid to Be Foolish

Passage: Being foolish for God's work
Service Type:

Being foolish for God’s work

The world wants to call our views and even us foolish.  We shouldn’t be afraid to stand in the gap no matter what we might be called viewed or treated.

As Paul says in 2 Corinthians 11, he talks about being viewed as foolish as we do Christ’s work.

The wise of this world are really the foolish of the world but the humble and meek of the world are foolish for the work of God.

Being foolish for God’s work

When we succumb to God’s will, we can be foolish for God.  If we don’t succumb to God’s will, we are foolish in God’s eyes but wise in the world.  The  wise of this world are fools.

When we speak God’s words in this world, we speak as fools to this world.  The world doesn’t understand God’s words.  They are so simple and the concept is prefect that they think someone who speaks about God and His principles are fools.  Where it is the exact opposite.

If people think you are a fool as you are speaking about God and His work, then keep speaking because they will keep listening.  If they keep listening, just maybe God will intervene and will speak to them directly.  Then they will understand and see the truth of God.  God works in all people differently, and all are directed to God once they understand God.

So the bottom line is that don’t be afraid to speak about what God has shown you, even if the world thinks you are a fool.  Once they think you are foolish, they just might keep listening, and learning, then just might believe.

We are here to present God’s word to the world.  You have to connect to the world so they will listen and comprehend.  We must not compromise God’s spirit so we look foolish to others who don’t have God’s spirit yet.  But being foolish for God, just might turn the foolish of the world to the mind of God.  Then they will get God’s spirit and become children of God.

We need to become children of God.